2021 Social Responsibility Report

Update time:13 Oct 2022

catalogue Preface 1 1、 Report Scope 1 2、 Report release […]

Preface 1
1、 Report Scope 1
2、 Report release form 1
Text 2
1、 Company Profile 2
2、 Protection of the rights and interests of shareholders and creditors ........................................................................................................3
(1) Building a sound governance structure...................................................................................................................................................3
(2) Do a good job of information disclosure ................................................................................................................................................4
(3) Stable improvement of business performance.......................................................................................................................................4
(4) Implementing sound financial policies ..................................................................................................................................................5
3、 Protection of employees' rights and interests.............................................................................................................................................5
(1) The employment system is standardized to protect the basic rights and interests of employees .........................................................5
(2) Improve the welfare and remuneration system and care about the vital interests of employees .........................................................6
(3) Build talent growth channels and attach importance to personal development of employees .............................................................6
(4) Strict occupational health monitoring and management to ensure staff health ....................................................................................7
(5) Build a harmonious communication mechanism and encourage employees to speak freely.................................................................7
(6) Carry out a variety of recreational and sports activities to enrich employees' spare time life ...............................................................7
(7) Care for Difficult and Retired Employees.................................................................................................................................................8
4、 Protection of the rights and interests of suppliers, customers and consumers ...........................................................................................8
(1) Dancing with suppliers in the market........................................................................................................................................................8
(2) Ensuring product and service quality........................................................................................................................................................9
5、 Environmental protection and sustainable development............................................................................................................................10
(1) Safe production is the basis for the healthy development of the company .............................................................................................10
(2) Energy conservation and environmental protection are conditions for sustainable development of the Company.............................12
6、 Public relations and public welfare undertakings.......................................................................................................................................13
Report Conclusion..............................................................................................................................................................................................15




The social responsibility report issued by the Company is prepared in accordance with the Guidelines for the Preparation of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Reports. This report focuses on the year 2021, truly and objectively reflects the company's information on fulfilling social responsibility, and comprehensively explains the company's understanding and practice of social responsibility.
1、 Report scope
The report is organized by Hangzhou Jinhu Shoes Co., Ltd. This report describes the concepts, systems, measures taken and achievements of the Company in terms of protection of shareholders' and creditors' rights and interests, protection of employees' rights and interests, protection of suppliers', customers' and consumers' rights and interests, environmental protection and sustainable development, public relations and social welfare undertakings from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.
2、 Report release form
The Company regularly issues a quality credit report every year. This report is published to the public in the form of paper documents on the community bulletin board. Welcome to read it and put forward valuable suggestions.



Text of the report

1、 Company Profile
Hangzhou Jinhu Shoes Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 and passed the ISO9001: 2000 international quality management system certification in 2003. The company is located in Lin'an, a national tourist city in the western suburbs of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, and is located in Banqiao Township Industrial Park, adjacent to Qingshan Lake, a national aquatic forest park. The transportation is very convenient. It is only an hour's drive from Xiaoshan International, Hangzhou, and the 320 National Highway of Hangzhou Huizhou Expressway passes by the factory. The company now has a factory area of more than 50 mu, a building area of more than 10000 square meters, a total investment scale of nearly 50 million yuan, more than 250 employees, four production lines and an annual production capacity of more than 1 million pairs of various rubber shoes. The main products are: fashion shoes series, Niu Bolun series, camouflage shooting series. The products are mainly exported to the United States, Britain, Canada, Norway, Denmark and other countries and regions.
The company has established ISO9001 quality management system certification, ISO14001 environmental management system and ISO45001 occupational health and safety management system. As a backbone enterprise in the industry, it has strong development space and broad prospects.
In the face of increasingly fierce market competition, the company's leaders realized that only by establishing, implementing and improving the quality and environmental management system, paying close attention to service quality and environmental management performance, and meeting the requirements of customers and other interested parties, can the company win the market. For this reason, the company organized all employees to study GB/T 19001-2016/ISO 9001:2015, GB/T 24001-2016/ISO 14001:2015 and GB/T45001:2020/ISO45001:201:2018, and established, implemented and improved the quality and environmental management system according to this requirement, so as to improve the quality and environmental management level of the enterprise, ensure the service quality, and create greater economic and social benefits for the enterprise.

With science and technology as the guide, Jinhu combines the strengths of various companies to create its own image. With real products and plain business style, Jinhu is based on today's strong players. The company will adhere to continuous self-improvement, strictly manage the company with new technology, high standards and high quality, and wholeheartedly serve users with perfect design, favorable prices and high-quality after-sales service to achieve win-win cooperation.
2、 Protection of the rights and interests of shareholders and creditors
Since its establishment, the Company has continuously improved its corporate governance structure, improved its internal control system, standardized its operation, and worked hard to improve its overall operation capability and performance; Perform the disclosure obligation in strict accordance with the information disclosure rules to ensure that all investors can grasp the company's information fairly, accurately and timely; Establish long-term dividend policy and actively return to shareholders; We will implement prudent financial policies to protect the rights and interests of creditors.
(1) Build a sound governance structure
The company has a perfect corporate governance structure and implements the general manager responsibility system. The general manager is responsible for the daily operation of the company. The management implements the decision of the general manager. The company has established a linear functional organizational structure management mode in accordance with the principles of science, simplification and efficiency and the requirements of modern enterprise system.

Figure 1 Organization Chart of Jinhu


According to the requirements of the Articles of Association, the Company has established a scientific and standardized corporate governance structure. The General Manager and the Deputy General Manager are responsible for decision-making and supervision, strengthening the decision-making ability of the General Manager.

Serial No

Management responsibility

Performance object



Business responsibility

general manager

Preside over the daily operation and management of the company., Determine the company's business plan and development direction, read the company's business and financial reports, and timely understand the company's business operation and management. Put forward constructive opinions and suggestions on the company's strategic development, business plans and investment decisions, and earnestly supervise the management's work to ensure the normal operation of daily work.


Moral responsibility

Company management

Fulfill the obligation of good faith and loyalty, safeguard the interests of the Company, and do not damage the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and its partners by taking advantage of their positions.


legal responsibility

Company management

Exercise the rights granted by the Company cautiously, seriously and diligently to ensure that the Company's business activities meet the requirements of laws and regulations. Bear corresponding legal liabilities for their own acts in violation of laws and regulations.

Table 1 Management responsibilities and responsibilities of the organization


(2) Do a good job of information disclosure
The Articles of Association of the Company stipulates the behavior of the management team and its members. The management shall not engage in business activities that are related to the Company's interests, and shall establish the Company's moral prevention mechanism to regulate the moral behavior of the organization.
External information disclosure: mainly through the company's website, news media, advertising and other means to publicize the company's quality testing results and product awards; And report the annual output value and sales revenue to the Statistics Bureau in a timely and prepared manner; Regularly report to the competent government departments on the company's environmental and safety work.
Internal information disclosure: the company's leaders emphasize the fairness and openness of internal operations and achieve transparent management. The internal operation and management decision-making meeting discussed by the company's senior management will inform employees in the form of operation meeting, department regular meeting, etc; The Company will inform relevant parties of the Company's policies and operating results disclosed through the website.
(3) Stable improvement of business performance
During the reporting period, the Company took various measures to improve its business performance. In 2021, the output will exceed 840000 pairs, the annual sales revenue will exceed 47.5 million yuan, the target market share will be 1.9%, and customer satisfaction will reach 97%. Under the condition of fierce competition in the entire rubber shoes industry, the company has ensured the realization of the performance goals and further expanded the market share of the products by changing its business concept, improving its research and development capabilities, strengthening its production capacity, and consolidating its management foundation, while comprehensively improving its management level and product quality during the business process. In the past three years, the company has made considerable progress in all major performance indicators.
(4) Implement sound financial policies
During the reporting period, the Company focused on risk prevention and control, strengthened fund budget management, improved investment and two fund management systems, improved asset management and fund use systems, controlled the asset liability ratio at a reasonable level, built a stable financial structure, and ensured the safety of assets and funds.
The Company fully abides by the commercial rules of credit cooperation, strictly performs its contractual obligations, uses bank loans as agreed in the contract, pays principal and interest on schedule, is honest, trustworthy, legal and compliant, and effectively protects the legitimate rights and interests of creditors.

3、 Protection of employees' rights and interests
The company adheres to the concept of "employee orientation", realizes the growth and success of employees through hard study, hard work, constant innovation and pursuit of excellence, creates employee happiness with hard work and valuable labor, and constantly innovates the "selection and retention" human resource management and development system based on "personnel suitability, people making full use of their own resources, people getting what they want, people getting what they want", so as to cultivate and form a team of employees who want to do things, can do things, and will not do things, Build a community of interests, undertakings and destiny for employee growth, enterprise development and innovation and entrepreneurship.  
(1) The employment system is standardized to protect the basic rights and interests of employees
The Company strictly complies with the provisions of the Labor Law, the Labor Contract Law and other laws and regulations, formulates standardized personnel recruitment, training, competition, vacation, welfare management and other systems according to law, and implements the full staff labor contract system.
The Company attaches great importance to the protection of employees' rights and interests. According to the provisions of the Company Law and the Articles of Association, the Company has established a system for selecting and appointing employees' supervisors to ensure that employees have full rights in corporate governance; We will support trade unions to carry out their work in accordance with the law, listen to the opinions of workers through the workers' assembly and the trade union council on matters involving the vital interests of workers such as wages, welfare, labor safety and health, and social insurance, and care about and attach importance to the reasonable needs of workers.
(2) Improve the welfare and remuneration system and care about the vital interests of employees
The company has established a performance oriented differential salary distribution mechanism in line with the law of enterprise development, built a fair, reasonable and constantly improved salary system, and there is no discrimination on gender, age, disease, race, religious belief, etc. The company strives to synchronize employee salary growth with benefit growth, and constantly enhance the competitiveness of the company's salary level in the local market.
The Company handles various social insurance, supplementary medical insurance, supplementary endowment insurance and other social benefits for employees in accordance with national and local regulations; Paid annual leave, home leave, marriage leave, funeral leave and other vacation methods are provided.
The Company implements the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests and the Special Provisions on the Labor Protection of Women Workers, implements special labor protection for women workers, grants maternity leave, breastfeeding leave, special physical examination and other welfare benefits to women workers, and effectively protects their rights and interests.

(3) Build talent growth channels and attach importance to personal development of employees
Remuneration management has been continuously improved, the post value evaluation of functional departments has been implemented, and the matching of post and salary of personnel has been optimized; Promote the optimization of performance management, and explore the establishment of an evaluation mechanism oriented to the implementation of strategic planning, the achievement of organizational effectiveness, and the close linkage of performance pay; Broaden the channels for selecting and employing talents, strengthen the incentive mechanism for competitive recruitment, and promote outstanding talents to come to the fore; We increased new channels for talent development and training, set up "senior seminar for management personnel", planned and practiced from the aspects of student selection, curriculum setting, training evaluation and assessment, talent output and subsequent training, and explored new experience for the company to build a talent training system.
(4) Strict occupational health monitoring and management to ensure staff health
The company adheres to people-oriented principle, strictly implements labor and safety production laws and regulations such as Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, and strives to create a healthy, safe and comfortable working environment. Through training, employees can learn about safety knowledge and personal health maintenance knowledge to enhance their personal protection ability.
The company entrusts a third party testing agency to inspect the occupational hazard factors every year, regularly measure and control the influencing factors in key workplaces, and actively create a safe working environment for employees. Employees are provided with earplugs, labor protection shoes, masks and other labor protection articles. Employees are organized to have an occupational disease physical examination every year. An occupational disease safety and health examination account is established. Governance measures and personal protection measures are constantly taken to improve occupational health and safety working conditions.
(5) Build a harmonious communication mechanism and encourage employees to speak freely
In order to encourage employees to actively participate in two-way communication, the company encourages them from both spiritual and material aspects. The Company shall sort out and analyze the personal opinions or suggestions put forward by employees through daily rationalization suggestions, the General Manager's mailbox, the Company's suggestion box, proposal improvement and other channels one by one every month, and issue corresponding material rewards according to the actual situation, so as to mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees. In addition, the company's leaders will often go to the grass-roots level to communicate with employees face to face and understand their needs and aspirations in a timely manner.

(6) Carry out various recreational and sports activities to enrich the spare time life of employees
The company actively carries out a variety of cultural and sports activities, new employees expand training, and enhance the spirit of teamwork; The company has established a variety of cultural and sports organizations, such as basketball teams and table tennis teams, to exchange ideas from time to time, enriching the spare time life of employees.
During the reporting period, the company held basketball exchange matches, table tennis matches, outdoor sports and other activities. In addition, youth reading activities were carried out to encourage young employees to read for one hour a week. Organize and carry out the "two learning and one doing" normalized institutionalized knowledge competition, improve the knowledge of party building, and enrich the life of employees.
(7) Concern for difficult and retired employees
The company has set up a love fund and a support mechanism for needy employees to support needy employees and their children. During the reporting period, the Company timely condoned the retired and needy employees and actively applied for subsidies for seriously ill employees and needy employees; In the hot summer, carry out the "cool summer" consolation activity, visit the front-line production department, visit the hot and dirty posts, and send cool summer; Help the children of employees from other places to solve the problem of school nearby, and promote employees to live and work in peace and contentment in the local area.
4、 Protection of the rights and interests of suppliers, customers and consumers
(1) Dancing with suppliers in the market
Product quality is the foundation of enterprise survival. The company adheres to the supplier management concept of "cooperation and win-win", takes cooperation as the link and integrity as the basis to promote the common development of both supply and demand sides. Select and evaluate suppliers in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality and the provisions of the Procurement Control Procedure. For the main suppliers to sign long-term supply contracts, specify the price, quality, delivery date and other contents, and specify the liability for breach of contract; It also stipulates that matters not covered by both parties can be applied for arbitration or brought to court. The company pays the suppliers' payment according to the plan, and pays the outstanding suppliers in advance according to the performance appraisal results. The company pays close attention to the interests of the supplier and regularly pays the supplier as required. There has never been any default on the supplier's payment for goods, and there has never been any dispute over the payment for goods. When the supplier has financial difficulties and other special circumstances, the company will provide financial support or loan guarantee.
In the material procurement stage, a quality agreement shall be signed with the outsourcing factory to specify the specific requirements for product performance, laws and regulations, environmental protection, etc. In the incoming inspection stage, sampling, inspection and test shall be carried out in strict accordance with the national sampling standards; For those involving laws and regulations, environmental protection and personal safety, zero tolerance shall be implemented. Once unqualified products are found, they shall be returned, and the outsourcing manufacturer shall be ordered to rectify, and its supplier qualification shall be canceled if necessary. Sign an environmental protection and safety proposal with qualified suppliers to comply with the trend of end customers' increasing requirements for product environmental protection.
Jinhu adheres to the value of "working together, innovation and win-win", and establishes a long-term, stable and win-win cooperation relationship with key suppliers. Encourage suppliers to become socially responsible enterprises, share technology, market and management experience with them, help suppliers grow, and strive to make the company the best customer trusted by suppliers to achieve win-win supply and demand. The company has deepened efficiency supervision, strengthened power checks and balances in key links such as material procurement, put an end to commercial bribery, and established a good social image of Jinhu among suppliers.

(2) Guarantee product and service quality
The company has always focused on customer satisfaction and established a mutual trust mechanism with strategic customers. Regularly investigate the customer satisfaction information, and establish an investigation and feedback system for customer complaints, so as to timely discover, understand and handle the problems fed back by customers. The company starts a quick response mechanism for customer complaints in terms of quality and quantity to ensure that customer interests will not be lost.
① Targeted product design and development: Based on the customer-centric design concept, Jinhu proactively meets the needs of various markets and customers through the design style and functional requirements of different products in product design and development.
② Product quality beyond customer requirements: The company implements quality management for all employees, strictly implements the standard procedures of ISO 9001 quality system certification, and implements the whole process inspection management for raw materials control, procedures in the production process and finished products. Carry out internal audit and management review every year, strengthen the daily monitoring of the system operation, ensure the effective operation of the system, and carry out quality improvement team activities to make special improvements in response to market feedback and improvement needs found in the production process. Give spiritual and material rewards to those who have achieved economic results, improve product quality and efficiency, provide high-quality products for customers, and improve customer satisfaction with products.
③ Brand management and publicity: Jinhu actively improves the brand awareness and reputation, improves the good reputation of the enterprise and brand, so that customers can feel the sense of social responsibility of the enterprise, so as to be more loyal to our own brand.
④ Mutual benefit and policy support: The company will increase the credit line and duration for core customers with good credit, try to contact important customers and establish a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with them.
⑤ Full service after-sales service mechanism: the company sets up special departments and personnel to be responsible for receiving customers' visits and inquiries and receiving customers' complaints and complaints. Accompany customers throughout their visit, guide customers to understand the company's culture, product features and management process, monitor customers' complaints and complaints throughout the process, and provide appropriate solutions after verification until the problems are solved satisfactorily.
5、 Environmental protection and sustainable development
Safety production is the basic guarantee for the healthy development of enterprises, and environmental protection is an important condition for the sustainable development of enterprises. The company continues to promote innovative development, strict safety production specifications, conscientiously fulfill environmental protection responsibilities, and strive to achieve the harmonious development of people and the environment.
(1) Safe production is the basis for the healthy development of the company
At present, the company has established and improved various safety regulations and safety operation procedures for various posts, insisted on pre job safety training for employees, set up necessary safety protection facilities in main production and operation sites and conducted regular inspections. In the past three years, there has been no general or above production safety accidents, no record of administrative penalties for production safety, and the investigation of potential safety hazards has been seriously carried out.
The company has established ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system, strengthened occupational health education, and continuously improved the working environment of employees; Establish and improve the responsibility system for occupational disease prevention and control, and earnestly pay attention to occupational health inspection and health protection; Regular physical examination of employees to prevent occupational diseases; Actively carry out on-site first aid and other employee knowledge and skills training to effectively safeguard the health and safety rights and interests of employees. Through the certification of the environment, occupational health and safety management system, the company has greatly improved its social public responsibility.

The company has always adhered to the safety production policy of "safety first, prevention first, hidden danger control and continuous improvement", thoroughly implemented the laws and regulations on safety production, constantly improved the company's safety production management system, fully implemented the responsibility for safety production, strengthened the investigation and treatment of hidden danger of production safety accidents, strengthened safety production education and training, strengthened safety production process control, and strengthened emergency response capacity building. During the reporting period, The safety production situation of the company is stable, and there is no serious injury or above personal injury accident, no occupational disease and occupational poisoning event.
During the reporting period, all employees of the company signed the annual Safety Production Responsibility Statement, formulated and revised the Safety Production Responsibility System, the Safety Production Accident Hidden Danger Investigation and Treatment System and other safety production systems, revised the Emergency Plan for electric shock injury, fire, mechanical injury, explosion and other situations, carried out in-depth safety production hidden danger investigation and treatment, carried out more than 100 safety production inspections, and promptly rectified hidden dangers found, The rectification rate reached 100%. Actively carried out safety production education and training, completed more than 20 safety trainings, and trained more than 1000 people. The emergency plan drill shall be conducted irregularly every year, and the drill effect shall be evaluated. The problems existing in the drill shall be improved, and the emergency response ability of the Company and the ability of employees to deal with various emergencies shall be continuously improved.
(2) Energy conservation and environmental protection are conditions for sustainable development of the company
The company attaches great importance to energy conservation and environmental protection, vigorously carries out publicity on energy conservation and emission reduction, strengthens management on energy conservation and emission reduction, ensures that energy conservation and pollutant emission comply with relevant requirements of national laws and regulations, and actively uses renewable energy to practice the mission of "providing customers with high-quality and cheap rubber shoes and rubber soles" with practical actions.
Jinhu has formulated the quality, environment, occupational health and safety policies of "compliance with laws and regulations, quality first, pollution prevention, energy conservation and consumption reduction, creation of excellence, and pursuit of perfection" and "safety first, prevention first, hidden danger management, and continuous improvement". The company provides an environment-friendly and safe production environment, always adheres to safety first, produces and markets green environment-friendly products, reduces waste emissions, pays attention to fuel, electricity, steam and water conservation, actively applies new processes, new technologies and new equipment that save energy and consumption, optimizes production, optimizes resource allocation, and realizes production increase and energy conservation; The company starts from the details, covers the management to every corner, achieves that everyone has a post and responsibility, strengthens the refined management, and strives to carry out all-round governance to the management efficiency, optimize the operation process, and constantly promote the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the company.

Key processes

Significant environment

Main control/improvement measures

Product safety

① Quality control of important raw materials
② Key process control

① Strengthen the control of raw material procurement;
② Strengthen the control of key process;
③ Carry out the incoming inspection of raw materials and the ex factory inspection of finished products.

environmental protection

Domestic wastewater

Discharged into urban pipe network after being treated by wastewater treatment system


① Regularly check the intactness of facilities and equipment for noise reduction measures.
② Obtain the latest noise emission and control requirements, and understand the noise emission requirements of interested parties in the surrounding areas of the company.

solid waste

① Garbage shall be collected and treated by the cleaning and transportation company;
② Hazardous solid wastes shall be disposed by the recovery unit.

Energy Saving

Comprehensive energy consumption

① Monthly statistics and comparison with the base;
② Energy saving transformation of equipment;
③ Analyze energy consumption monthly and urge all departments to improve.

Safe production

Put an end to safety accidents,
Prevention of occupational diseases

① Formulate perfect emergency system and strengthen emergency plan drilling;
② Strengthen labor protection, distribute labor protection appliances and urge employees to wear them.

Table 2 Control and improvement measures for public responsibility

In strict accordance with the requirements of the supervision department, the company regularly tests the indicators of waste water and waste gas, and the test results are up to the standard. The hazardous waste is treated by a qualified professional organization according to the specification requirements, and the company has no environmental accidents in the past three years.
6、 Public relations and public welfare undertakings
The company pays attention to establishing good relations with various stakeholders, actively participating in social welfare undertakings, maintaining good public relations, establishing a good corporate image, and doing its part in building a harmonious society.
The Company actively cooperates with the supervision and inspection of relevant government departments and pays taxes according to law. Actively organize and participate in community activities, maintain good communication with the industry and different associations, widely keep close contact with social groups, actively collect opinions from local governments and communities through multiple channels, and achieve harmonious interaction between enterprises and society.
The company emphasizes the social responsibility of the enterprise and sincerely returns to the society. The general manager attaches great importance to public welfare support, vigorously advocates and sets an example. The company's leaders will continue to develop public welfare with the continuous development of the enterprise. The company cooperates with the enterprise's strategy to plan the cost and direction of public welfare support every year.

Serial Serial Serial No content Relevant units Date of donation
1 Charitable donation 6000 yuan Lin'an Charity Federation 2019.5
2 Donation of 20000 yuan Lin'an Chengnan Primary School 2019.9
3 Charitable donation of 10000 yuan Lin'an Charity Federation 2020.2
4 Donate 3000 yuan to the disaster area Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee&
Organization Department of the CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee
5 Charitable donation of 15000 yuan Lin'an Chamber of Commerce 2020.10
6 Charitable donation 20000 yuan Lin'an Red Cross Society 2021.7

Table 4 Public Welfare Support Achievements of the Company in Recent Three Years


In 2021, the company will be brave to assume social responsibility and make active efforts in the above aspects, which has promoted the harmonious development of the company and the society. However, there is still a certain gap between the performance of social responsibility and other excellent enterprises. In the future, the company will continue to improve its social responsibility concept and management level, and strive to fulfill corporate social responsibility while doing a good job in business management.
In the future, the Company will continue to take fulfilling its social responsibility as an obligation, enhance its awareness of social responsibility, strengthen its employees' social responsibility education, and contribute to the construction of a harmonious society.

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